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Help us provide nutrition education throughout the state of Arizona. Activate Your Account Now!
General Information
AZ Health Zone is a public and private partnership led by the Arizona Department of Health’s Bureau of USDA Nutrition Programs. Through an interagency agreement with the Department of Economic Security Family Assistance Administration, AzNN provides common nutrition messages to persons who are Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly the Food Stamp Program) participants or whose income falls within the eligible guidelines for the SNAP program.
Mission Statement:
To shape food consumption in a positive way, promote health, and reduce disease among all people living in Arizona.

What We Do
AZ Health Zone assists its partners in making nutrition education consistent, clear, and concise among agencies, organizations, and health professionals throughout Arizona. This is done through statewide campaigns, materials distribution, and through the funding of community nutrition programs.
How We Work
Since 1998, AZ Health Zone has been funded with State and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Administration dollars through matching federal financial participation from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). AzNN in turn administers a funding opportunity for local agencies to contribute matching funds to AzNN that qualifies those agencies for additional dollars to expand and enhance their existing nutrition education programs. This is called the Local Incentive Award (LIA) Program. The LIA Program is available to qualified agencies to support nutrition education activities among low-income populations. AzNN also uses other funding sources to provide nutrition education.
Where We Go
AZ Health Zone is a statewide collaboration. Partners come from across the state and represent a range of organizations. Examples of AzNN partners are county health departments, tribal governments and organizations, school districts, food banks, etc. AzNN social marketing campaigns are targeted statewide. Community education efforts are implemented throughout the state.
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