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SNAP Benefits

SNAP or nutrition assistance benefits help individuals and families buy food they need. You can even grow your own food using SNAP benefits by buying seeds or plants. SNAP food benefits are loaded to your Quest Card and can be used just like a credit card at any store that accepts SNAP. To see if you qualify for these benefits visit the following link.

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Arizona WIC Program

The Arizona Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides nutrition education and breastfeeding support services, supplemental nutritious foods and referrals to health and social services.

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Breastfeeding Hotline

The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) is here to support you on your breastfeeding journey. Get answers to your breastfeeding questions 24 hours a day by calling the Arizona Department of Health Services’ 24-Hour Breastfeeding Hotline at 1-800-833-4642.

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Child Care

Nearly every ADHS licensed and DES certified child care provider participates in the Empower Program. The Empower Program supports healthy children by shaping healthy environments. Find a child care provider in your area.

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Double Up Food Bucks Arizona

The Double Up Food Bucks program doubles the value of your SNAP/EBT benefits spent at participating farmers markets, grocery and corner stores, helping you bring home more fruits and vegetables! For a list of markets near you, please visit the Double Up Food Bucks AZ website.

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Food Pantries

If you or your family is in need of free food, you can find food pantries resources in your area.
For assistance now, please contact the AZ Hunger Hotline at 602-528-3434 or 1-800-445-1914.

Find a Pantry
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Farmers Market Nutrition Program

Families who receive WIC benefits and seniors have the opportunity to receive $50 worth of Farmers Market coupons to purchase fresh Arizona-grown fruits and vegetables.

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Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) helps kids and teens ages 0-18 get free meals at school and community sites while school is out for the summer. No application or paperwork are needed!

Summer Food Locations Customizable Promotion Materials
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SUN Bucks (Summer-EBT)

If there are school-aged children in your family, you may qualify for Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (Summer-EBT), also known as SUN Bucks. SUN Bucks is distributed during the summer months by Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES).

Learn More

Unsure what Nutrition Assistance Programs you are eligible for?

Learn about what’s available in this Nutrition Assistance Programs infographic.

Find AZ Health Zone Programs in Your Area

Find programs working in your community. AZ Health Zone programs are designed with you and your community in mind. They offer resources and classes on nutrition and physical activity, gardening support, farmers markets, physical activity opportunities, and much more. Reach out to your local office for more information.